David Stewart’s Photo World

A surrealistic tribute from British photographer and director David Stewart.

David Stewart’s Photo World

David Stewart’s photographic world has its roots in the seventies punk aesthetic imagination of his friends The Clash and The Ramones, the bright colors, the rarefied and intense, the strong sense of the ridiculous and excess, an aesthetic and an enchantress originality that makes us trace the history of a musical film, similar to “The Boat That Rocked”, in which we ourselves become funny and eccentric main characters.

His visions and its scenic compositions has earned him the final for the best portrait’s competition at the National Portrait Gallery in London. In contrast to other authors more neutral, his characters reveal their English identity, both in the choice of the interior of homes and environments in general, both for the nature of the characters, and the way they dress and pose. Being English is a bit like having the characteristics of Mick Jagger assembled with those of Mr.Bean, “shame they are making us so globalized and conformed” to hear David his works remain to trace a unique identity, as in the past Institutional exhibitions : Foyes and Cabbage.

Foyes uses as main characters “les personnes agèes”( the elderly), usually very much forgotten and considered less attractive; astonishing in this series: the typical impertinent and independent figure of an old English lady in June in February, in a hippies version, sitting on a grave Six feet under, or willing to marry a playmate Marry Gold, or at their “ first” date in “Des’ s first date” Cabbage discovers society as a vegetable composed by many parts; each one reveals always different characters and situations, but all attributable and dependent. Unforgettable works : Usherette, Buoy – Buoy e Cabbage Head side. Stewart’s first exhibition in Rome, at the Anteprima Contemporary Art gallery there will be exhibited nine works of the new series, with unpublished options. Thrice Removed with Hugh and chicken in profile in which there is a conspicuous profile of an old man and a hen, so similar!

In - decision he analyzes the tension that follows indecision, starring girls all inside rooms: from the academic classroom, to the kitchen equipped with a small oven in all shades of green, from the walls to the girl's dress. The surreal portraits of women alongside daring combinations of places / tasks, in which they are immersed in deep thoughts: distant, catapulted into the wrong room or in the more unusual background for them.

Follows: a friendly Grease in which a wild large group of relatives and friends emulates the cult movie of the late ‘70s From the series Thrice Removed there will be exhibited Hugh and chicken in profile in which there is a conspicuous profile of an old man and a hen, a retelling of Grease Party "Saturday Night Fever" in a familiar way, three works (Chair Ballet, Dancers and Reclining woman) in which the geometry of the postures and designers create perfect symmetry, a sexy courtesan and an indescribable soldier in camouflage.

David Stewart has exhibited several times at the National Portrait Gallery of London, winning in 2007 the jury award with his “Alice & Fish”. His last two books published by the English “Browns Editions” are: Thrice Removed” (2009), and the recent “Teenage Pre – Occupation ( 2012) about adolescents.

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